ASHF is certainly geared towards giving back to our Youth. Through our commitment to this mission we are able to mentor, educate, uplift, inspire and serve as a resource to the Youth in our Community. It truly takes a village to raise our children. We are a part of this village. They are our future.
We have many events and initiatives throughout the year geared towards our Youth:
We have many events and initiatives throughout the year geared towards our Youth:
- Title 1 School Supply Drive
- Back to School Event
- Holiday Hearts Toy Drive
- Holiday Hearts Community Christmas Bash
- Once Upon a Prom Boutique
- Family Fitness Fun
ASHF DonationsAll proceeds are distributed amongst each program as needed. Your donation is tax deductible.
Holiday Heart Toy Drive DonationsAll proceeds are being used to purchase new toys. Your donation is tax deductible.
School Supply Drive DonationsAll proceeds are used to purchase school supplies. Your donation is tax deductible.